Brisbane Designer Fashion Show



IMG_2001Images courtesy of BNEstyle

I’m wearing: Stella McCartney Dress, Jo Mercer Tanessa Heels.

The Brisbane Designer Fashion Show has been circled in my calendar for months and the lead up to it was nothing short of fabulous! Receiving my VIP front row tickets and finding I would be sitting with two lovely Brisbane bloggers, Yolanda from BNEstyle and Amber from Fashion Avenue, I knew we three would have a fabulous time pointing out our  favourite runway pieces and favourite fashion faux pas. I have to say, I was super impressed with the line up of emerging and established Australian designers; from glittering sequinned masterpieces to bold, structured staples, I left the event with a new found inspiration and an extensive fashion wish list…Lucky Christmas is just around the corner. Presenting my favourite pieces from the Brisbane Designer Fashion Show 2013.


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 Lipoa Threads 


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The Kaftan Queen 

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 Howard Showers

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JK Couture

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Erin Hassall Designs

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Charlie Brown

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Niki Teljega

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  • you look gorgeous!! 🙂

  • It was such a fabulous evening and so wonderful to be a part of such a diverse range of creativity in fashion.
    Looking forward to next year!

  • Great blog! Can’t believe I just found it!