Country Road Khaki dress, Portmans hat, Jo Mercer Alexandra Boot, PeepToe Crystal Jewelled Bangle, Persol Sunglasses, Sportsgirl Clutch.
Khaki…not an easy colour to feature as the main focus of an outfit, but when teamed with tans, black and chocolate browns, the colour creates a lovely warm, earthy aesthetic. A return is seen of those shiny, patent boots of which I admire, creating a very military feel with the khaki. Military is once again a key trend this A-W 13/14, and my advice is to be brave and embrace it.
Style Tip: Remember, when styling a military inspired look, avoid an outfit comprised of only heavy pieces. Tone down the seriousness with a pop of bright coloured accessory, or a relaxed, floppy hat. Not only will this add some light to the colour palette, but it will also make the ensemble look and feel more personalised.
Stumbling across this desolate, run down space, I felt it most appropriate to use this to my advantage as a great visual background, complementing the military ensemble. Not to mention, the sunshine created a warm and inviting environment for myself and Brisbane blogger, The Fringe to escape the indoor winter chill and build a natural tan. Check out her stylish musings and pay her blog a visit at Love, The Fringe. Until then….at ease!