Guest Post: 4 Ways To Shoot A Great Outfit Post

For the last few weeks you’ve seen us checked in at the same places, blogging  at the same fashion events and photographing each other’s style.. and now I’m pleased to announce that Yolanda from BNEstyle will be a regular monthly contributor to The Blonde Silhouette. Presenting her first guest posting, a life-behind-the-lens lesson for all bloggers, beginner and established, a how to guide on perfecting an outfit post.


I spend quite a lot of time photographing people (bloggers, models, friends and family) and I always try to feature both their personality and style. Here are a few ways, from my experience, to improve your photographs and your post.

1. Try a different pose. If you freeze when in front of the camera, concentrating on moving around, playing with your clothing, walking and turning, even just looking away from the camera can help you relax and give you a more interesting composition.

me-sitting-on-grounddon’t enjoy being photographed so when I don’t look at the camera I tend to look more relaxed. And the reason I am sitting on the ground in this shot is because I loved the red colour of this brick wall!

2. See the world from different angles. Look around your location, is there a way the photographer can get up on a bench and shoot down on you? Can they shoot you with the sun behind you to create a backlit look instead of being in full sun? If you are shooting shoes can the photographer get down on the ground to get a better angle? Don’t be afraid to experiment because that’s when you get the most interesting shots.

jade-from-above Shooting the subject from above makes for a more interesting shot

3. Don’t forget the details. Are you wearing some interesting jewellery, or carrying an amazing bag? Make sure you zoom in on these details to show the item close up so the readers can see the colour and texture of the item.

shirt-details coat-and-watch-detailsHighlighting the details of the coat by zooming in

4. Be a ruthless editor. Some blogs show the same person, in very similar poses, several times which is not very interesting. You must be ruthless with your selection of photographs because five well chosen images is more interesting to your reader than 10 mediocre ones. Always leave the reader wanting more.

Next time I will discuss choosing locations!

Words and Images: Yolanda from BNEstyle

  • Thanks for sharing these amazing tips! I really love the details pictures 🙂 xo

  • Such a helpful post indeed! Must read for every fashion bloggers! You and Yolanda undoubtedly create some amazing sparks, can’t wait to work some magic with your girls 🙂

  • Perfect tips Yolanda. Really liked this post.