Breakfast with Beginning Boutique & Brisbane Bloggers




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I’m wearing St Frock Madison Square Leggings, French Connection London T-shirt (similar style here), Cooper St Faux Fur Jacket (similar style here).

Starting my day with a steamy chai, poached eggs and greens, with a side of fashion at the Beginning Boutique Bloggers Breakfast. To be greeted with such stylish faces so early in the morning was an additional perk alongside the gorgeous goodie bag that was provided by Beginning Boutique. Fangirling over our exclusive printed Sweet Nothing Lookbook, we swapped digits and snapped food pics (check out #bbbloggersbreakfast)- otherwise a pretty perfect morning.

Endless hugs and kisses go out to the team at Beginning Boutique for organising such a delicious catch up! Thank you for having me! Ladies make sure you check out the exciting new arrivals at Beginning Boutique and follow the BB Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


The Hat Box High Tea




I wore Karen Walker dress, Jo Mercer Tanessa Heels, The Hat Box Headpiece, Swarovski Earrings, Fossil Georgia Watch.

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetGreat minds definitely style alike- with Dale Olsson

On Wednesday I had the absolute pleasure of joining Brisbane’s finest ladies of leisure for The Hat Box High Tea event, hosted by the Emporium Hotel. After a meet and greet with the lovely guests, and snapping their sensational style, I sat down to enjoy a delicious spread of fresh scones, macaroons and finger sandwiches. Was it worth breaking the diet?- you bet it was!

Aside from being snapped with the charming Dale Olsson from The Hat Box, my highlight of the event was watching a parade of the new season race wear from The Hat Box. Dale’s commentary on the parade discussed the major trends of the winter racing season- my favourite being black and white with a touch of red!

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Social Snaps

Aside from the beautiful array of headpieces showcased, the Brisbane ladies certainly made a statement wearing bold colours, spectacular accessories and flawless makeup. Here’s a small glimpse of the stylish guests.

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A big thank you goes to Kath Rose & Associates, Emporium Hotel Brisbane and The Hat Box, I had a delightful time!